Is your team nationally certified?
Yes, we have the following certifications:
- COS: Certified Occupancy Specialist through the National Center for Housing Management
- PHM: Public Housing Manager through the National Association of Housing and Redevelopment Officials
- HCCP: Housing Credit Certified Professional through the National Association of Home Builders
- TCS: Tax Credit Specialist through the National Center for Housing Management
- NCP: National Compliance Professional through Elizabeth Moreland Consulting
Other than Tax Credit compliance knowledge, does Capstone have experience in other areas?
Indeed! Our Project-based Section 8 expertise includes preparation of Special Claims, EIV set-up and monitoring, and voucher submittal (TRACS/IMAX experts). We have experience with many local affordable programs, however, in the event you have a program we are not familiar with, we have the team in place to identify the regulatory requirements necessary to ensure compliance and best serve your needs.
How does the site staff submit the paperwork to your compliance department?
- Unlike other compliance services providers who required faxing or emailing of documents, Capstone utilizes a proprietary system, which eliminates lost paperwork, creates efficiencies and provides historical access.
How long does it take for a file to be reviewed and approved?
- Our compliance management systems allow us to provide SAME DAY file reviews.